Christmas on Divisadero Street, 1953. Shades of Western Addition, Shades of San Francisco |
Christmas on Ulloa Avenue, 1950. Shades of Western Addition, Shades of San Francisco |
It's that time of the year for us to offer some of our holiday favorites from the archives. In the years past, we shared some of our most-liked holiday trees that were placed about town. This year we're posting a little more behind-the-scenes of the every day holiday tree in San Francisco homes. We began the selection of images from our online database of 45,000+ images in the San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection. The ones chosen are all from our Shades of San Francisco photo projects in which community members brought in their family photographs for the library to select from, copy, and add to the archives. We have digitized the majority of the Shades of San Francisco projects with two more getting prepared for their online debuts in 2018.
Definition of the Christmas-tree (c.e.1835) from the Oxford English Dictionary (OED):
"A small tree, usually a fir, set up in a room, illuminated and hung
with ornaments, and bearing Christmas presents; a famous feature of
Christmas celebration in Germany, frequently but imperfectly imitated in
England, especially since its introduction into the royal household in
the early years of the reign of Queen Victoria."
Siblings at Christmas in the Sunset District, 1961. Shades of Sunset, Shades of San Francisco |
Three brothers at Christmas, 1971. Shades of LGBTQI, Shades of San Francisco |
There's no holiday tree in this photo, but it is too cute not to share!
Family Christmas in the Richmond District, 2006. Shades of LGBTQI, Shades of San Francisco |
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