Sarah Prideaux: Another Cataloging Discovery

Another cataloging discovery in our Grabhorn Collection!

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S.T. Prideaux binding in the Grabhorn Collection, front cover

We discovered and identified another fine binding as we were cataloging our Kelmscott Press books. This fine binding was done by Sarah Prideaux, an English bookbinder who lived from 1853-1933. The book is called The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over Sea. It was printed and published by the Kelmscott Press in 1894.

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S.T. Prideaux binding in the Grabhorn Collection, interior

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S.T. Prideaux binding in the Grabhorn Collection, interior

Above you can see her signature "S.T.P." stamp along with the date, 1898, inside the back cover.

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A Catalogue of Books Bound by S.T. Prideaus, Grabhorn Collection
It is listed in the bibliography, A Catalogue of Books Bound By S.T. Prideaux...

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A Catalogue of Books Bound by S.T. Prideaux, Grabhorn Collection, interior is the listing:
"Morris, William. The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over Sea. Done out of ancient French by William Morris. In black & red with borders & woodcut titles. 1894 Sextodecimo. Two copies."

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A Catalogue of Books Bound by S.T. Prideaux, Grabhorn Collection, interior

...and here is the image of the bookcover from the bibliography.

Prideaux was an interesting and talented woman. If you'd like to find out more about her, see Marianne Tidcombe's Women Bookbinders, an excellent and essential resource. 

