Front Cover
Celebrate Spanish poetry by attending the first in a series called CRUZANDO FRONTERAS / CROSSING BORDERS on Saturday, May 21st, at 4:30pm in the Main Library. The reading features contemporary poets from the greater Bay Area and includes: Vickie Vertiz, Alejandro Murguía, Edwin Agustín Lozada, Lourdes Figueroa, Mariano Zaro. English translations will be projected on a screen.

Interior Page

If you’re inspired by the reading you may want to visit Book Arts & Special Collections Center on the 6th floor to examine our fine press edition of TANGO DE LA CICATRIZ – EPIGRAMA DE FIN DE SIGLO. It features a poem by Juvenal Acosta and monoprints by Gustavo Ramos Rivera which have been described as a "palimpsest of apparitions on handmade paper." The introduction is by Alberto Blanco. We own copy number 3 of the 11 Spanish editions printed by Peter Rutledge Koch of Berkeley. Vamp & Tramp Booksellers has more information about this beautiful book on their site.
