How to Research a San Francisco Building Program at Bernal Heights Branch

The San Francisco History Center and the Bernal History Project are cosponsoring How To Research a San Francisco Building tonight at the Bernal Heights Branch Library. The program starts at 7pm - with plenty of time for questions and answers. San Francisco History Center's archivist and photo curator will present online tips for the research steps in finding out who owned a particular building and who lived in it.  Print only resources such as Index to Papers on File will be discussed. There will also be pointers on how to find a photograph of a building - including the San Francisco Assessor's Office Negative Collection.

Sanborn Map, vol. 8, 1914, sheet 780

San Francisco History Center staff will be doing the How to Research a San Francisco Building at the Sunset Branch, Monday, March 14 at 7pm. Would you like us to come to your local San Francisco Public Library branch to do a program?  Talk to your branch librarian!
