Annual Wit & Humor Exhibit from Book Arts & Special Collections Opens Today

 This year's theme is:

 A Dog's Life (With a Special Appearance by Cats)

Image from Sleeping Partners by Cecil Aldin (London, 1929). Courtesy of Book Arts & Special Collections, San Francisco Public Library.

The canine-- humankind’s best friend, celebrated in literature, art, cinema, cartoons, and this year--at the San Francisco Public Library! A Dog’s Life (With a Special Appearance by Cats) is a comic take on dogs and their sometime sidekicks, cats. Drawn from the Schmulowitz Collection of Wit & Humor, the annual wit & humor exhibition features the work of New Yorker and Punch magazine artists, as well as the old New York Life magazine; classic and beloved characters from newspapers and comic books; and a little look-see at doggish anecdotes and illustrations from around the world. Presented by the Book Arts & Special Collections Center, the exhibition opens April 1, and continues through May 31, in the Skylight Gallery, Sixth Floor, Main Library.

Watch for more canine-related blog posts from What's On the Sixth Floor? staff writers throughout the month of April. Happy April Fool's Day!

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