BookWorks will be held in the Skylight Gallery of the San Francisco Public Library, Sixth Floor, Civic Center. The exhibition runs from June 21 through September 6, 2014, with an opening reception from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm, on June 21, 2014.
"Since 1983, I’ve been in most PCBA exhibitions; I am always astonished at the quality and freshness of the work from our members. After some 40 years of designing and making books,
I am thrilled by the incredible response of our book arts community to the call for entries,” discloses Kathleen Burch, PCBA Members' Show Chairperson and Co-Founder of San Francisco Center for the Book. “When people come to view the show, they’ll see everything from A to Z – bicycles and recycling, as well as dictionaries from the inside out.”

The Pacific
Center for the Book Arts was formed in 1978 by a group of San Francisco Bay
Area book artists, workers, and teachers to help support the new directions of
their various disciplines, and to provide a vehicle and a focus for education,
experimentation and communication in and among their fields. Information about
PCBA can be found at www.pacificcenterforthebookarts.org.
The Members Show – open to all members – has been the anchor of the PCBA since the early eighties. The San Francisco Public Library has been the customary host. This public exhibition is sponsored by the Book Arts & Special Collections Center of the San Francisco Public Library. All events at the San Francisco Public Library are free and open to the public.
The Members Show – open to all members – has been the anchor of the PCBA since the early eighties. The San Francisco Public Library has been the customary host. This public exhibition is sponsored by the Book Arts & Special Collections Center of the San Francisco Public Library. All events at the San Francisco Public Library are free and open to the public.
Related Programs
Gallery Talks
Four Saturdays: July 12 & 26; August 9 & 23 at 2pm, Skylight Gallery

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