MUNI Subject Cards

Remember last year when we posted about the San Francisco History Center's "old school" San Francisco subject card files? Well, there's an entire drawer full of cards about MUNI, and the pickings are rich. Here are a few up-close snapshots of topical tidbits you can find amongst them.

Pull open the drawer; no double-click needed!

Flip through the tabs with your actual fingertips.

Fares used to be a nickel. Mark the change.

War-time women "motormen."

Above it all at a purported 100 mph.

To find out more about horse cars,

follow the citation to page 65 in the
 scrapbook in the SF History Center.

Almost 30 years later, does this sound familiar? 
Compare with the more-commonly heard "Where you at?"
So, when you're done browsing the MUNI exhibit here on the 6th floor (Cussed & Discussed: 100 Years of the Municipal Railway in San Francisco), consider passing through the glass doors to the San Francisco History Center to flip through the MUNI subject card drawer for yourself. You can snap more pictures of alluring citations, then, if there's no clipping already pasted in, pull the sources from local newspapers on microfilm on the 5th floor, as well as books and periodicals listed in the library's online catalog.
